Blog Moving Soon!

>> 17 February 2010

Hey all.  I have successfully set up my new blog now being powered by  The URL is as follows:

I decided on this move due to a complication with my multiple Google accounts.  The account that houses this blog was opened as a business account that mistakenly linked all of my personal use sites such as Youtube and Blogger.  I did not want this to happen.  I do have another Google account set up for personal use but transferring everything has been quite a burden.  It's still a work in progress.

To remedy all of that unnecessary madness I have created a stand alone blog.  It is not connected to any other account which is great.  This blog will have everything...everyday dealings, my kitchen shenanigans, business talk, and my need to roam about the world when I feel like it.  It's going to be'll love it!

Again my blog address:

Check it out!


An Update...

>> 13 February 2010

If you haven't noticed I've been a little MIA lately.  I've been doing a lot of thinking since the move about my online presence.  I have come to the conclusion that it needs a major makeover.  Now in my previous blog I gave you all an idea of what I was pondering.  Well now I am implementing it all.

I will be totally revamping the way that my blog looks.  The same crazy randomness/random craziness will apply.  A few topics will be posted here and there as well as my business dealings and product releases.  My business dealings for now will include everything that I am into - real estate, photography, etc.  Maybe in the future it will be different.  We'll see.

I am very excited about this path I am taking.  This business that I just rolled out has been a dream of mine for since HIGH SCHOOL!  I have finally rolled it I just have to improve on it, market it, and enjoy every minute of it!  My business?  A personalized gift shop where you can upload your own photos on over 200 different products.  Yes this is my baby. 

My website:

I do hope you all follow me on this new and wonderful journey.  It would be great to have some company.  ;-)

Stay tuned...


Rant: I Am So Sick Of My Phone...

>> 10 February 2010


...and there are so many reasons why! My phone has found some enjoyment in rebooting itself whenever it feels like it.  Sometimes it just cuts off...for no reason!  I then have to pull the battery to make it work again.  I do this about three times a day. is quite old!

I'm doing some research on a new phone. I got the Pre because I was a loyal Palm user and was curious about their WebOS client.  It really isn't that bad...I just cannot deal with the constant rebooting and freezing that seems to be the norm with this phone for many users.

Enter in the HTC Hero.  I'm seriously looking into this phone but still need some more info before taking the plunge and buying.  Since my contract is not up I may (no...I do) have to pay full price for this phone.  I need to be prepared to do that.  I won't be until I KNOW that this is the phone for me.

So back to cyberspace to find out more about this phone.  Who knows...maybe I'll end up getting an entirely different phone all together.  We shall see.  Stay tuned...


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